Help Envision the Future of Location-Based VR Entertainment

The only thing shifting faster than the entertainment landscape is the technology that powers it. VR, augmented and mixed reality, the metaverse...entirely new paradigms are being invented.

I am inviting a small, diverse group of forward thinkers from different industry segments to gather and help shape the future of our industry.

Together we will discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by virtual and augmented reality. Our intention is to design and manifest a vibrant, healthy and growing LBVR industry for the benefit of Operators, Manufactures, Distributors, Developers, Customers, and the entire LBE ecosystem.

WHEN? The LBVR Visionary Retreat is tentatively scheduled for the 24 & 25 March 2023
(in the lead up to Amusement Expo and The VR Arcade Game Summit).

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Got Questions?  Please contact Bob here.

About Bob

Bob Cooney is a global speaker, moderator, and futurist covering extended realities and the metaverse. He’s frequently called the leading expert on location-based virtual reality. His mission is preparing people for the massive change coming as these emerging technologies begin impacting not just our industry, but every aspect of our lives.

You can find Bob on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Bob Cooney Holding Headset